“FOREVER” and LINKS to my books


“Whosoever does not lose his place has DURATION.

Whosoever does not perish in death LIVES.” – Lao Tzu



“Whosoever does not lose his place” is the man or woman standing tall in their bodies. When we choose responsibility for our health, we seek knowledge of how to best maintain it on each level. To keep our “place” is to admit responsibility for the honor to be as healthy and active participants as possible in this life we’re granted. We “lose our place” by giving power to those ready to sell us what we wish to hear and take money for all the things we don’t need, the quick fixes and band aids that mask healing. We relinquish our own power over duration. “Duration’ means going the distance, but it also means having the strength in reserve all along the way for performance, healing and sharing. We will last when we put ourselves first, and in so doing, “live.”

“Whosoever does not perish in death lives.” Do you know anyone who has died in mind, body or spirit before leaving earth? Those who have lost their will, who have given in to disease and inactivity and therefore, “perished” by choosing not to live fully?

To “not perish in death” means to live in every moment of every day, even if it’s spent reading a book under a tree. Refuse to buy in to disease, thinking science can “fix” you. Medicine should be the last refuge, not the first. Diet pills, invasive surgeries, and the “healthful” fixes that are performed with you in a chair or on a gurney aren not really doing anyone any good except the person performing the “fix.” You stay youthful by doing your filled activities and practices. A baby eats, sleeps, plays, bends and eliminates instinctively when it needs to. At what point did we lose that common sense?

(That is an excerpt from the book “SST Basics.” It is a wonderful explanation of how, why and when to exercise, from our childhood to our demise.) https://www.amazon.com/dp/099077760X



I bet you didn’t know I had this many books out. The training books are older, the poetry books have all been published since March 2020. I will be publishing more as I get to my novels, but first the short story collections. In the meantime, look at some of these, or all of these on Amazon. It’s been a long time since I’d published to this site, but that will change as I’ll be writing here weekly on various topics. Let me know what you think. Thank you.

The link 22 Poems of Love on Amazon. This is the first set of poems I wrote when I was about 22 years old.


The link to Pooroetry:This is how my poetry developed. There are some gems here.


The link to Boyhood Rising – This was written as my children were born and raised


The link to Wet Sidewalks – these were the original intention for the book of poetry and some of the most inspired


The link to Meta Morphosis – This is the final of the “22” series and one of my personal favorites.


The link to Train The Trainer – This was written out of the need to help trainers understand the importance and validity of their job as a coach and trainer to others.


The link to Shock And Awe Muscle – One of the best collections of workouts all based on the 22/11 principle of shocking the muscles and then doing work sets. Awesome!


The link to SST: Basics – This is pretty much my philosophy for why we do physical activity and why we must, just like eating and sleeping.


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