Category: motivation

“FOREVER” and LINKS to my books


“Whosoever does not lose his place has DURATION.

Whosoever does not perish in death LIVES.” – Lao Tzu



“Whosoever does not lose his place” is the man or woman standing tall in their bodies. When we choose responsibility for our health, we seek knowledge of how to best maintain it on each level. To keep our “place” is to admit responsibility for the honor to be as healthy and active participants as possible in this life we’re granted. We “lose our place” by giving power to those ready to sell us what we wish to hear and take money for all the things we don’t need, the quick fixes and band aids that mask healing. We relinquish our own power over duration. “Duration’ means going the distance, but it also means having the strength in reserve all along the way for performance, healing and sharing. We will last when we put ourselves first, and in so doing, “live.”

“Whosoever does not perish in death lives.” Do you know anyone who has died in mind, body or spirit before leaving earth? Those who have lost their will, who have given in to disease and inactivity and therefore, “perished” by choosing not to live fully?

To “not perish in death” means to live in every moment of every day, even if it’s spent reading a book under a tree. Refuse to buy in to disease, thinking science can “fix” you. Medicine should be the last refuge, not the first. Diet pills, invasive surgeries, and the “healthful” fixes that are performed with you in a chair or on a gurney aren not really doing anyone any good except the person performing the “fix.” You stay youthful by doing your filled activities and practices. A baby eats, sleeps, plays, bends and eliminates instinctively when it needs to. At what point did we lose that common sense?

(That is an excerpt from the book “SST Basics.” It is a wonderful explanation of how, why and when to exercise, from our childhood to our demise.)



I bet you didn’t know I had this many books out. The training books are older, the poetry books have all been published since March 2020. I will be publishing more as I get to my novels, but first the short story collections. In the meantime, look at some of these, or all of these on Amazon. It’s been a long time since I’d published to this site, but that will change as I’ll be writing here weekly on various topics. Let me know what you think. Thank you.

The link 22 Poems of Love on Amazon. This is the first set of poems I wrote when I was about 22 years old.

The link to Pooroetry:This is how my poetry developed. There are some gems here.

The link to Boyhood Rising – This was written as my children were born and raised

The link to Wet Sidewalks – these were the original intention for the book of poetry and some of the most inspired

The link to Meta Morphosis – This is the final of the “22” series and one of my personal favorites.

The link to Train The Trainer – This was written out of the need to help trainers understand the importance and validity of their job as a coach and trainer to others.

The link to Shock And Awe Muscle – One of the best collections of workouts all based on the 22/11 principle of shocking the muscles and then doing work sets. Awesome!

The link to SST: Basics – This is pretty much my philosophy for why we do physical activity and why we must, just like eating and sleeping.



  • FITNESS -“Be A Dog” the importance of doing something EVERY day
    • watching sports is NOT playing sports 
    • walk to improve circulation, disposition, elimination, awareness, mood
    • forget apps, pedometers, etc. just a pair of shoes and a route/ motivate someone else too
  • FOODS – “Be Like Your Grandparents” – Making the best choices in quality, not quantity/ 
    • eat less, less often
    • whole oat breads, real butter, Farm to Table choices, Raw, readily available, Farmer’s Markets, canning
    • Always have Apples, Almonds, Water, High-Protein Bars, Jerky
  • FLEXIBILITY – “Be A Baby” Make your body do new stretches and bring attention to them
    • “Step away from the desk”
    • Reach up
    • Reach down
    • Reach back
    • Squat



  1. Where did I do some good, or make some progress today?
  1. Where did I let myself or others down?
  1. What can I do to keep my good habits going?
  1. What can I do to address any negative triggers or trends before they get out of hand?




Reduces The Risk Of Dying Prematurely Active individuals experience a longer

life, as well as an improved quality of life.

Reduces The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease  Exercise strengthens the heart,

vascular system and the respiratory system to help fight against the negative

effects of cardiovascular disease.

Decreases Resting Heart Rate  Reduces the daily wear and tear on the heart and

the cardiovascular system.

Improves Heart Efficiency  Improves the ability to do daily activities with

less effort and improves the ability to perform at higher intensities with

greater ease.

Keeps Resting Blood Pressure Normal  Reduces the stress on the walls of the

veins and the arteries in the vascular system and reduces risk of a coronary

event or stroke.

Decreases Body Fat  A favorable change in body composition reduces the risk of

cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity- some major life threatening


HDL Cholesterol (Good chol.)  Increases and LDL Cholesterol (Bad chol.) Decreases. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the occurrence of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Lowers The Risk Of Developing Diabetes  Keeps body fat in control, increases

cellular sensitivity to insulin and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Promotes Joint Stability  Increases the strength of all connective tissue

making the individual less susceptible to injury. Increases muscular strength.

Assists in the ability to perform daily activities with less effort and


Strengthens Bones  Helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and reduces the

chance of injury and breaks to bones.

Increases Muscle Mass  Your body burns more calories at rest and during

exercise to sustain increased muscle. Improves physique with a more toned


Increases Resting Metabolism  More calories are required by the body at rest,

which helps with weight management.

Improves Core Strength  Develops strong abdominals and back which gives better posture and reduces the chance of back pain.

Improves Back Strength  Reduces the incidence and severity of low back pain.

Improves Balance, Coordination and Agility  All movements in daily life become

easier and safer as the body has an improved capability of control.

Improves Body Image and Self-esteem  Participants experience better mental

health and improved self-image.

Reduces Depression and Anxiety  An improved outlook on life makes all

activities more enjoyable.

Assists in Stress Management  Everyday life becomes more enjoyable because the

individual has a positive outlet for stress.

Better Sex/ More Sex Appeal Does this really need an explanation?



Essential Healthy Wellness Habits

Typinski's Field

The Typinski Men: Zachary, Spencer, Tom, Thomas II


Healthy Wellness Habits have 3 areas of Lifestyle activation; Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep; the overriding theme to each aspect is Consistency.


• Choose the best available foods – if given the choice to feast on a steak dinner, do not choose the Denny’s “$6.99 Special with all the Fixins” just because it’s cheap or close to home; treat yourself to the best steak you can find/afford, whether it’s from a traditional steakhouse or your local butcher. If you’re going to treat yourself, treat yourself to the best possible choice. Eat slowly, enjoy it, savor it, appreciate it and look forward to the next time you have a taste for it, but never overeat or make a habit of it.

• Slow down your eating – thoroughly appreciate and enjoy foods and utilize all the nutrients from them; every meal, from the butter on your toast in the morning, to that last sip of almond milk from your cereal bowl at night, should be fully enjoyed. Be grateful and thankful and make sure it offers value to your body and mind.

• Increase your vegetable consumption – especially greens, to increase Vitamin K and magnesium in addition to a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins (try one of the “green super foods” concentrations to ensure balanced amounts and types of minerals). Many common foods are vitamin fortified, but few are mineral fortified and that’s where our diets are lacking in value. A wide range of greens and colored vegetables will ensure you get adequate amounts of trace minerals which are so sparse in our common diets.

• Eat small portions of a variety of foods – rather than large meals of massive calories and carbohydrates; stay hungry, but never “stuffed”; and resist grazing. Eat snacks from all 3 food groups, an apple, almonds, cheese; to get small doses of protein, carbohydrates and fats throughout the day, so you’re never craving any one food, but eat a little of each, each time. Develop a discipline of eating consistent staple foods – foods that you enjoy and take little preparation, while offering high nutritional value. Always have them available.

• Pay attention to “buzz” foods – Buzz foods, like caffeine, first thing, before anything else gets in the belly, automatically revs the body up so that it’s in a constant state of over-energizing the nervous system; carbs do the same. That constant static runs your system down throughout the day like a low voltage light, unnoticed until you’re burned out. If you’re eating toast with jelly and a cup of coffee, you’re telling your body to get going “now”.  It would be better to start slowly, drink lemon water while making eggs or oatmeal and let the body and mind warm up to the day, rather than attacking it like a live electrical wire that’s constantly “humming,” using up energy you think you’re giving it, but actually using energy it has not even made available.

• Be consistent – your body thrives on good food, small portions, often. Give it the best you can on a consistent basis and your metabolism, and pants, will thank you.



MOTIVATION + ABILITY + TRIGGERS = BEHAVIOR – You will be motivated to the degree to which you feel comfortable, capable and competent in the activity and your ability to participate consistently. Do not wait for a catastrophic event to force you to exercise as a live or die alternative – be proactive toward exercise

• How you behave and treat exercise begins with your attitude toward it – a positive motivation, like a new wardrobe or trip, can get you started; but ultimately, you will have to garner the good it’s doing for you into your mantra of getting it done. Pick something you’re capable of accomplishing consistently, and let that be the trigger that fires you into daily action. Notice how you look, feel, think and act, and let those feelings guide you. There will be many days you resent it, but twice as many full of compliments and congratulations on what you’re accomplishing.

• Do what you can – choose sports and activities you have an ability to pursue as well as an affinity toward. See yourself doing them, read how to be better, get a trainer, learn. One client who couldn’t swim, never ran and had no bicycle, wanted to be a triathlete before her 40th birthday. Her attitude and ambition got her to finish two events within a year. Sure, it was work, but with consistent training, a few tears, trepidations and trials she never saw any part of it as being an activity she could not do. She believed, had faith and put one foot in front of the other until she reached the finish line.

• Give yourself measurable goals that add up – so you truly feel you’re accomplishing something – daily walks, weekly workouts, x amount of yard work, exercise classes, gym days, golf or tennis, swimming, sports with children, etc. A good golfer keeps score to constantly be in a state of improvement. Treat your exercise activities with the same attention and take the time to notice and reward the improvements you see.

• Be ready to try something new – Challenge yourself to new classes, workouts, activities. Your body is meant to be in motion. It is not a piece of furniture. It was made to move, it enjoys movement, it thrives and grows and meets the challenges set before it and then remembers past activities so you can build new strengths and try new activities. You lose function when you don’t use functions. The longer you stay away from it, the harder it is to get back to it and the more it goes away which keeps you in a perpetual state of restarting. It’s like swimming backwards, you’re going somewhere, but it’s not where you want to be.

• Be consistent – your body craves it – get through the first 3 or 4 hard days of initiation, and you’ll look forward to it thereafter. There is no reason your workouts cannot be play. Ideas are plentiful, assistance is available, information is abundant, facilities are on every corner. DO NOT HAVE MORE EXCUSES THAN DISCIPLINE!



• Get the “best available” sleep – How many times have you slept in a chair, comfortably, when 20 feet away there’s a bed with a $2500 mattress? Why does that happen? It happens when the body is so exhausted it will take anything as an excuse to pass out. How about when you get three hours sleep and you feel terrific, and then you get 10 hours sleep and you feel like crap? This happens because our bodies cycle through sleep in 90 minute cycles. When your body cycles through that time without disturbance or interruption, it gets rested. When it sleeps past those cycles or shorter than those cycles, it is “off.”

• Get a minimum of 6 hours of sound sleep – equal to 4 – 90 minute cycles. Each sleep cycle takes you deeper and deeper into restful sleep. If you are awakened midway through a cycle, you must start all over again, dropping through those levels to get to the deepest state. It literally is “falling asleep”; you are dropping deeper and deeper through the conscious, semi-conscious and unconscious states. If you are awakened within that last 30 minutes of the 90 minute cycle, you will remain in that groggy, half-rested state, trying the rest of the day to gain momentum with physical action when the mental will not cooperate.

• Do not agonize yourself into an anxious state – of “have to get to…” sleep. Try a gratitude approach instead, “this bed feels great…these sheets are so soft…the breeze feels so good…I’m happy for all I was able to accomplish today.” The messages you send your body and mind at the end of the day will influence the type of next day you’ll have; this is your last chance to be positive, regardless of how hard the day was.

• Begin a consistent pattern – of winding down your nights and winding up your days. Babies know how much and when to sleep. How did we forget?

• A sleep pattern is called that for a reason – It’s a pattern that your body is either in rhythm with, or out of sync with. Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, even on vacation.

• Use darkness and silence – in going to sleep and in waking each day. These are two of the easiest, yet most beneficial points you can take from this essay. Turn off all phones, pads, light sources except enough to read a book and find your way through the house. This will also improve your eyesight.

Use the www.SLEEPYTI.ME site – to reset your sleep cycle. It’s a simple .url that asks, “I have to wake up at?” or “I am going to fall asleep at?,” then gives you a 15 minute window in which your body normally takes to fall asleep. It gives you optimum waking times in 90 minute intervals; and the best part is, IT WORKS!

Utilize these healthy habits of consistent Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep for 21 days to see what a difference they make in your lives.

And last, if you have any questions that I can help with, any motivations or support you need, please email me.

Any suggestions, recipes, insights or information are also welcome and appreciated. Share the Health

The Finger, or The Moon

The Finger, or The Moon


Reading from the book, “Become What You Are” by Alan Watts, I found an essay particularly apt to the discipline of physical fitness. This particular essay, amongst this collection of essays, is titled, “The Finger and The Moon.” I’ll attempt to synopsize, but to get the greatest benefit, I suggest finding a copy and reading it in its brief entirety.

“If your destination is the moon, to which you point your finger; don’t dwell on the finger, but focus on the moon.”

So how does this apply to training? Look around your gym and see sho’s really 110% engaged in their activity. Now, look to see how many are distracted by phones or friends or trends. They’re easy to spot. They’re the ones not sweating, the ones who have not progressed an inch over the last 3 months you’ve seen them. They are the ones concerned with how they look to the people not watching them, if their outfits match, if their shoes are new and cool, if anyone notices how hard they’re pretending to workout.

That’s the finger pointing at the moon. They are so involved in the externals of the gym that nothing happens internally. The switch that engages and marries them to the exercise hasn’t been turned on yet.


A man on a stepper has a pile of magazines he’s strewn as he’s perused them; getting neither the benefit from the cardio training, nor learning anything from the pages he’d flipped through, because he couldn’t read and balance at the same time, let alone concentrate on either activity to benefit his mind or body. He grunts and groans but goes so slow that you wonder if it’s he or the machine straining.


A girl lifts dumbbells, far from strenuous or challenging, changing her music mid-set, going through the motions day after day, every lunch hour, continually changing her routines and doing one set of the suggestion she’d seen in an inadequate and incorrect article from a fashion magazine that even gets technique wrong; and another set her co-worker suggests, until time is up and she’d performed what she believes was enough, then changes back to work clothes with not a hair out of place.


Now, see the one moving methodically through a series of sets, undistracted, minimum rest, focused on form, grimacing through a goal of repetitions, only stopping momentarily to return to form, then finishing the set; pausing only for a sip of water or to set up the next exercise. The skin glistens across the definition and separations of chest to shoulders to triceps. The sweat is a badge brandished across the shirt, front and back. Everyone notices, but the concentration and dedication cannot be broken by any sideward glance.


Which of these three are simply pointing at the moon? Trying everything once but succeeding at nothing, often, haphazardly pointing at something outside themselves; and which is on their way to the moon, confidently, never doubting, but moving systematically forward and not balking at the finger that holds them back rather than moves them forward? Which are you? How does this apply to any and every aspect of your life?

How can you bring the moon, closer?



BonfireYou already are and have everything you will ever want or need in this life, (but DESIRE all you can). Let’s explain the difference between NEED, WANT & DESIRE.

NEED is something you will never have. It is a possession you can never possess. It’s a state of perpetual lack because it’s a black hole chasm of emptiness that will never be filled.

NEED is the element you will always have and never have enough of. So, as far as you’re concerned, it’s worthless to pursue anything you NEED. As long as you need, you won’t have.

WANT is a passing attraction. It is this car or that stereo, this girl, that address – a constant ebb and flow of possessions and feelings that you could really live without, but know it would be nice to have around.

A WANT is always temporary. Like NEED, you’ll never be without WANT. As much as you try to fill either of them with meaningless, tail-chasing endeavors that take you to an empty box in an forgotten closet, WANT, like NEED, is the second, ugly stepsister to the DESIRE of Cinderella.

WANT is what you needed and no longer care about. To WANT things is only one step up from the bottom feeders of the food chain of NEED. In life, you rarely get what you want, or want what you get.

DESIRE is the crown jewel, the only real jewel amidst the costume crap that rings pretension or impulse.

DESIRE is something you can taste, feel, or see, when no one else can; it sends palpitations through your heart, it stirs emotions in the brain and ingenuity in attaining it.

DESIRE is wanting or needing something passionately. It’s worth dying for. You’ll know desire when you go after something with every thought and action of each day. It pushes you to seek places you’d never imagined, do what you’d never do, be someone so passionately enthralled in the pursuit of that one thing, that to others, your obsession seems ridiculous; yet to you, it’s the pinnacle of your world.

DESIRE is seldom present, but when it arrives, it’s exquisitely evident and impossible to ignore. It roars for attention and is not sated until it’s accomplished or fulfilled. Its reward is uplifting; often the culmination of time, thought, investment, risk and sometimes, outright foolishness.

DESIRE comes, then keeps on coming. It takes prisoners. It coerces, convinces and calls forth forces often reluctant to give in. DESIRE is the good thing, and the only thing in the WANT/NEED/DESIRE triad worth having.




CONSISTENCY -Consistency is a reliable, sturdy, coherent and uniform approach to learning or accomplishing a desired goal.


Do you have a morning ritual? Do you wake up and go through a certain structured protocol of routines to make your day good from the get-go? What is your routine? How do you start your day? Do you plan your food and clothing the night before? Do you make a list of six things necessary to attend to tomorrow? Do you have your notes, your routes, your contacts and your schedule ready before waking by preparing the prior night? Do you know where your keys, glasses, etc. are? Some people stretch. Some pray. Some meditate. Some go right to the coffee pot turning on every light along the way and race to the next 5 things they did yesterday in a once-again jumbled order.

By having a morning ritual, you will learn how to incorporate certain time-saving methods into the rest of your daily activities; like answering your emails at a certain time, returning phone calls in groups, rather than as each comes in; setting writing, breaks, calendar scheduling and free time so others will learn to respect your space and schedule, and not feel free to traipse through your day with their random thoughts on useless topics. If consistency is key, than concentration on one task at a time is second to achieving success. And of course, include healthful aspects to your days in terms of workouts, walks, quiet time/meditation or reading. By having a plan to work, you can work your plan.



The way to wade through a day successfully is what’s referred to as “The Einstein Approach,” by thinking less about the low value items so you have the time and brain power for the higher value items. Here’s a sample of doing less and accomplishing more:

  1. SATURATE YOUR BRAIN – Have a full glass of water on the counter the night before and down it completely upon awakening, even before the bathroom. The water replenishes the brain and awakens the senses from the eyes to the gut. Enjoy it as you feel it filling your body from lips to stomach. Once you get used to consuming that much water in one draught, you’ll be more likely to do it more often. Start filling your tank from the top down and pay attention to the way it makes you feel.
  2. EXPERIENCE THE DARKNESS – You should know the layout of your home well enough to find your way to a comfortable chair or couch. Let the darkness become light. Notice how your eyes adjust, focus, and accept the available light to allow the contrast of the room to develop like a Polaroid picture. Breathe. If you need a light, use as little as necessary, then turn it off. Do NOT use your phone. Just as you should respect the natural cycle of the days as you head toward bed, avoiding bright light and noise; you must learn to let the day in slowly rather than racing to meet it.
  3. EMBRACE THE SILENCE – Since your daily-do list is done and your clothes and food are thought out, sit down and listen intently to the silence. Refuse to allow the chatter in your head to take precedence. Acknowledge thoughts but send them away like passing birds, until all you hear in your head is the black, dead silence that confirms your head is clear. Feel your breath and its rhythm in your chest and ears. Let that clarity be your companion throughout the rest of your day.
  4. EAT CLEAN – Have something easy, with a high nutritional value, that takes little preparation; like boiled eggs or whole grain toast with almond butter and a glass of almond milk; (which are easy to make and easy to take if you’re still running late). Your metabolism will respond appropriately and be able to assimilate and utilize the foods to help you satisfy your brain and belly for the day ahead. Don’t run on empty.
  5. LOOK GOOD – Old or young, male or female, whatever your job responsibility, look good. Even if you work alone in your basement, look presentable. Be respectable, especially to yourself. Comb your hair, tuck in your shirt, wash your face, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, appropriate shoes and put a smile on that face. You’ll be surprised at the respect you get, the smiles returned, the amount of power and persuasion you have when you look like you have it together. If all you do is talk on the phone, you’ll notice your countenance will give you a greater sense of authority by being presentable to yourself, first. You don’t have to pretentiously try to impress anyone, just look good. Do the best with what you’ve got, “like your mama taught you.”
  6. BE GRACIOUS – Give gratitude to everyone and everything, from the food you ate to the clothes you wear to the hot water and dry towel on your face – be gracious, be sincere, give thanks. Later in the day, if you meet someone and  all you have to give is a handshake or a smile, give. It will return many times over in ways you never imagined.


These 6 simple steps are a regimen that are easy to incorporate. Work on one at a time. When you nail the first, add the second, and so on down the line until all these things come as naturally as if you’d always had them. Start at the end, or in the middle, just start with a routine and discipline that will reward you both on their merits, and on the fact that you went through and did them. But be consistent.

By building a daily system first thing in the morning, you will be inspired to add other consistent regimes to your life, in regard to what you eat and  how often; when you work out and how often; paying bills, shopping, and everything from making your bed, to hanging your clothes, to spending time with your family. Consistency is the key to success. Avoid distracting yourself with the things that are not on your list. Make consistency your priority and watch how wonderfully often you accomplish things that used to always seem to be on the back burner, but never done.

Do your ritual on weekends, on vacations, when traveling; to the point where if you don’t do it, you’ll notice something is missing. You can always have water and silence and darkness while being gracious for looking good. And watch the rewards consistently come back to you.


superhero-620x250WHAT YOU CAN DO

People often ask what one big, monumental, life-changing thing they can do to improve their health, diet, lifestyle, love life, parenting, fitness, etcetera, etcetera. My answer is always, “Start with yourself, then, make the best choice you can with what you presently have available.” The only thing that needs to change is your attitude, your discipline, your habits, and your actions. That applies to a workout, a meal, a goal, a way to help someone, a choice for companionship or simply choosing a book to read or a movie to enjoy. Whatever suits your time, your goals, your abilities, your moods, your finances, and is within grasp, or reachable. Some things require a dedicated timeline and patience. Some are right in front of your face, and can be grasped by simply reaching for them.

With all the self-help seminars, webinars, coaching, classes, boot camps, retreats, podcasts, books, tapes, continuing education, accelerated learning apps, and so-called, self-professed “experts” in every imaginable field, from professional bodybuilding to fly tying, your choices are vast and often questionable, not to mention, confusing. Following intuition, trusting in word-of-mouth referrals and good old-fashioned common sense are still the best barometers to any advice you seek. “Use your head, follow your heart, watch your wallet.”

The best path to mastery is still trial, error, feedback, perseverance and consistency. You must know when to dive deeper, and when to bail out. You must not only have the right tools, but must know the appropriate use of them. And you must ignore the ego when the pursuit doesn’t fit the pursuer. Sometimes you just have to let go of a desire and shelve it with other whims.


For every study on the benefits of a certain vitamin, there’s an equal study to counter its significance. For every blueprint to a perfect proposal, a fantastic start-up, or a successful launch, there’s a handful of others who did none of those things, yet, surpassed the success of the said “expert”, by letting faith, persistence and passion lead them blindly to the golden ring.

So what can you do?

Decide what you want.
Learn the process, steps, timeline, methods.
Get help.
Show up.
People get stuck on what they “can’t” do, without fully attempting to see what they can, whether it’s exercise, diet, job search, building project or lifestyle change. Do what you can. Prove to your mind and body that you’re capable of  “something,” then add more things to the list. Failure is a stepping stone, as long as you’re not skydiving.

First and foremost, be your own guinea pig. Try things out on yourself. Try to cut back carbs, or sugar, or soda, or whatever you’re doing that brings more harm than good; before enlisting or enforcing these changes on anyone else. Be the example. Eat better. Sleep better. Act better. Speak better. Read and share information. Learn meditation. Pursue things without the need for an accomplice. Often, at least at first, they’ll hold you back and become your excuse for not doing things. Once they see your serious intent and accomplishments, they’ll ask you “how.” They will then be the willing accomplice.

Small, subtle changes are contagious. Put down the remote and pick up a book prior to bed. Replace coffee with teas, water and pure juices for pop, a walk after a meal instead of dessert. Most of these things relate to diet, but those changes will bring the most results. You’ll feel like sharing the goodness you’ll feel, which will lead to more research on how to continue to enhance your lifestyle.  accomplishment

Happy Fathers Day to All Lucky Dads


There’s good reason to criticize or condemn “deadbeat dads” or “absent fathers.” They’ve left a hole in humanity that bleeds both great and terrible humans as a result. An abusive father leaves an even deeper wound. They are examples of what not to follow, but on this day, to pray for; because we need no more of them.

There are fathers who are heroes and legends, who’ve led exemplary lives that inspired and fired up children who needed someone to look up to, to emulate, to follow and believe. We all know someone who fits this ideal.

Then there are fathers, “Dads,” like yours and mine, like you and me, who deserve awards, accolades and riches as much as any other man; but were happy as men being men, doing their “jobs”, taking care of their families, patching the leaks and leading by the example of those of us who know how to fix things, make things, create with our hands and minds and imaginations; men who found joy in watching game after losing game, going to rainy practices, putting toys together at midnight on Christmas Eve, or being “official -quarterback, pitcher, catcher, goalie, etc. for all the neighborhood kids whose Dad’s didn’t give a damn. Those are the dads of the majority.

Men who taught and led and loved as good as they knew how, giving everything they had in time, attention and resources so their kids wouldn’t be without. Those are the dads to applaud and acknowledge on this day of recognition; the regular dad, the everyday dad, the dad who IS a father, not “playing” father; but being a part of all their children’s lives, day in and day out, good and bad, iron hand and soft heart; those dads that know that being one is an honor and a privilege like no other. You dads are the great ones.

I know my 3 sons are my greatest success, treasure, accomplishment and friendships. I know they stand behind me and “have my back.” They trust I’ll straighten them out and I trust they do the same for me. And I know I’m one lucky guy to have such a great love in this life, such strong bonds, such a wealth of memories, such deep seeds that will proliferate long after I’m gone. When they surpass the greatest things you’ve done, you know you’ve done well.

If you’re not the best dad, there’s still time to be a better one. If you’re absent, connect. And if you’re right where you need to be in heart and mind, be grateful, because you’re leaving a legacy that’s probably THE most import component for any time in history; the fact that being a good father means more to any child than ice cream, video games, toys, cars or phones. Give them attention, direction, smiles, hugs and love. Nothing will leave a greater impact. Theres’ nothing more they need to carry into life.

Hug your kid daily Dads, they give you the privilege; and kids, hug your old man, every day that you can, because he gave you the future.



Time to Make Real Wellness Changes

Now that the resolutions for the New Year have been honored or forgotten, it is truly time to make some changes. Don’t wait for the weekend, the new week, the beginning of the month, nothing else. Start now.

Change Decision Making Concept

Time To Change

There is room in every area of your lives to incorporate something to make you a better, more efficient, timely or productive person. But nothing will make a more global, noticeable, positive change in your life than to learn and practice better nutrition, right now. Learn, practice, experiment, apply – enjoy.

What you do to incorporate positive changes toward what you put into your body, as equally as what you keep out of it, will affect everyone’s life you come in contact with on a day to day basis. Family members will benefit but so too will friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. You will exude a glow and a confidence that everyone will want a piece of, and you’ll be eager to share.



Start with a daily breakfast regimen that makes you, forces you, to put instant energy into your body. Coffee is not breakfast. Toast is not breakfast. Neither are energy. You want real food that takes real thought and real time to prepare and enjoy.

Eggs on a slice of whole grain toast with avocado will instantly perk you up, fill you up and send you off with good, clean energy and focus. Skip cheeses, sauces gravies or condiments. Use olive, coconut or real butter as oil sources.

Oatmeal with walnuts, dried cherries or fresh fruit and prepared with equal parts applesauce and water will not only fill your belly, but will satisfy your sweet tooth as well. Both these meals can be shared with other family members and in sharing you’ll receive the added benefit of knowing you contributed to someone else’s well-being as equally as your own.



Your lunch can and should be your largest meal of the day. Fill it with a great, green salad and some protein source to top it, like chicken, salmon or turkey, and you’ve got the makings of a great afternoon. Stay out of the fast food lines, stay away from “diet” drinks that only make you fatter, thirstier and more insulin dependent. Learn to appreciate and request tea. Keep the salad dressings to a minimum, just enough to add flavor, always some left over instead of a “double,” and toss the croutons, crackers and breads, opting instead for an apple or unpackaged add-on. Eat it slowly, with attention to all the different flavors popping from walnuts, tomatoes, and colored cabbages and enjoy the time, rather than racing to be finished.

Now, take a walk. You have time. If the weather is uncooperative, find stairs. Walk. Do it daily.



This is the one meal most people skip most often, choosing instead to graze into the night on the crap that makes you fat. Stop now.

Plan your meals. Delegate responsibilities. Involve everyone in the family so they will appreciate the time, effort and end-product; and reap the benefits of time, talk and food well spent. Use a wide variety of fresh foods, vegetables, moderate starches and good protein sources. Stay away from fast or fried foods. Let everyone top their own foods rather than saturating salads or vegetables with dressings or condiments.


The best snacks will be the ones you have to prepare with care and a little attention; apples and peanut butter, almonds and cheese, hummus and whole grain crackers; all require minimal preparation but will be more rewarding than any packaged, processed snack. A couple pieces of dark chocolate with grapefruit slices, pieces of turkey with lettuce or spinach; avocado and tomatoes. Is your mouth watering yet? So simple, so nutritious, so beneficial to your psyche in knowing that it was a good choice.

Start making more smart choices at all your meals. Start thinking about what you’re going to eat, how you’ll prepare it, who you’ll share it with; and you’ll be on a path to many better things, from the way your skin and hair shine, to how you feel and how well you sleep. Make changes. Adapt. Learn. Grow. Give. Now.