The first book in the series of Physique Training, Bodybuilding Workouts and Exercise related topics was this,

Flat Gold


The SST book is about getting motivated to exercise for the simple reason that it must be done. You must take care of your health, your body, your habits, your disciplines. There will not or cannot be anyone who can do it for you, just as no one can eat or sleep in your place and give you the benefits. It is all about finding a way to exercise, then building some type of structured program around what you’re already doing in daily activities. If you’re already an athlete, it helps you to see that with proper planning and attention to detail, you can reach higher levels of play. If you are a non-athlete, it tells you how simple daily tasks, done with focus, attention and intensity, can give you greater benefits by simply paying attention to what’s going on in your body. For the ex-athlete, someone who has been in the field all their lives and would like to get away from the grind of practices and tough, competitive workouts, this offers alternative ways to enjoy your approach to lifelong fitness.

Simple Structured Training was definitely a labor of love for me. I forget exactly when I began to write this, or first got the idea for it, but it was about 1999. I was working at an advertising agency, working for GM as a producer, doing the daily stuff with meetings and committees, while still training clients before and after work, shooting video on weekends, coaching teams, etc. Writing was inconsistent and haphazard. I had multiple chapters that were redundant or did not make sense together. I used a number of different programs, computers, locations, files, resources and outlines to create one huge mess. But I was passionate about training, and very good at it. And the people I worked with gave me the feedback and the results both of us were working toward.

Then, I got a dream job as a Private Trainer for a Corporate Executive, a billionaire developer. I was thrown into a world of private jets, yachts, helicopters, spur of the moment trips which ended up lasting 20 days; a dream lifestyle which afforded me much time, space and opportunity to write, read, collect my content and decided what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

This also afforded me the chance to travel all over the world, looking at workout facilities in the best hotels, to bring ideas and floor plans, layouts and equipment to Fontainebleau Miami Beach, as well as the yacht “Madsummer” and other private residences in the Miami Beach area, Aspen and the Bahamas.

It still took years to finally get around the publishing establishment, luckily not finding an agent or publishing house which gave me the chance to develop my own works on my own terms with Amazon.

I found it so easy to create this first title, finally, that I immediately put together my next one;

1SHOCK AND AWE MUSCLE  Stage Ready Definition That Shocks And Awes Mere Mortals

Shock And Awe was my method of training for any type of person, any type of body, any age or level of physicality. I wanted a universally easy to understand system for my clients to be able to use on their own, on a vacation, at home, wherever and whenever they wanted to train by themselves or with me. With this system, it was either 11 reps, or 22; higher reps for muscle pump through blood volume engorgement, lower reps for strength and mass building. Always high and low, always complementary muscle groups, in a push pull system of supersets, so the muscle was never really at rest in a workout, it was either stretching or contracting. I’ve gotten great results with a wide range of people and everyone, once they adapt to it, refuse to go back to their old methods of training.


TRAIN THE TRAINER The Critical Responsibilities of a Physical Fitness Professional

Train The Trainer came from years of watching and witnessing other trainers, what they did right, and what they did wrong. I really saw some injustice in the fact that some very good trainers were not getting the customers they needed, while some very bad, rude, uninformed trainers were getting many clients, while not fairly training them, either through neglect on the floor, improper technique or attention to form and plain inattentiveness. So I wrote it as a pamphlet to call to mind those good and bad trainers and make them realize what a responsibility as well as a privilege it is to have people who trust you with their health and physical well -being.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 2.45.58 PMPHYSIQUE POSING FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE Volume One iBook Bikini

iBook Bikini is the first in a series of Competitive Physique iBooks for the athlete who desires to compete in official NPC Events. The 25 years of videotaping Bikini, Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness and Physique Contests gave me the opportunity to see every aspect of every competitor at every level, from Novice to Professional; and to have close friendships with some of the newest and best in the sport, allowing me to gather much information, nutrition, training and stage presentation insights that very few people are privy to. I again saw people with great physiques not getting their just placement because they weren’t showing their bodies to their best advantage. They say it’s not a beauty contest, but that’s the lie. Beauty wins over beast every time, but that doesn’t mean the Beast cannot look Beautiful! This book and the following series of iBooks will show how to bring out the best in stage presence in Competitive Physique Events.

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