Tag: nutrition

Essential Healthy Wellness Habits

Typinski's Field

The Typinski Men: Zachary, Spencer, Tom, Thomas II


Healthy Wellness Habits have 3 areas of Lifestyle activation; Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep; the overriding theme to each aspect is Consistency.


• Choose the best available foods – if given the choice to feast on a steak dinner, do not choose the Denny’s “$6.99 Special with all the Fixins” just because it’s cheap or close to home; treat yourself to the best steak you can find/afford, whether it’s from a traditional steakhouse or your local butcher. If you’re going to treat yourself, treat yourself to the best possible choice. Eat slowly, enjoy it, savor it, appreciate it and look forward to the next time you have a taste for it, but never overeat or make a habit of it.

• Slow down your eating – thoroughly appreciate and enjoy foods and utilize all the nutrients from them; every meal, from the butter on your toast in the morning, to that last sip of almond milk from your cereal bowl at night, should be fully enjoyed. Be grateful and thankful and make sure it offers value to your body and mind.

• Increase your vegetable consumption – especially greens, to increase Vitamin K and magnesium in addition to a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins (try one of the “green super foods” concentrations to ensure balanced amounts and types of minerals). Many common foods are vitamin fortified, but few are mineral fortified and that’s where our diets are lacking in value. A wide range of greens and colored vegetables will ensure you get adequate amounts of trace minerals which are so sparse in our common diets.

• Eat small portions of a variety of foods – rather than large meals of massive calories and carbohydrates; stay hungry, but never “stuffed”; and resist grazing. Eat snacks from all 3 food groups, an apple, almonds, cheese; to get small doses of protein, carbohydrates and fats throughout the day, so you’re never craving any one food, but eat a little of each, each time. Develop a discipline of eating consistent staple foods – foods that you enjoy and take little preparation, while offering high nutritional value. Always have them available.

• Pay attention to “buzz” foods – Buzz foods, like caffeine, first thing, before anything else gets in the belly, automatically revs the body up so that it’s in a constant state of over-energizing the nervous system; carbs do the same. That constant static runs your system down throughout the day like a low voltage light, unnoticed until you’re burned out. If you’re eating toast with jelly and a cup of coffee, you’re telling your body to get going “now”.  It would be better to start slowly, drink lemon water while making eggs or oatmeal and let the body and mind warm up to the day, rather than attacking it like a live electrical wire that’s constantly “humming,” using up energy you think you’re giving it, but actually using energy it has not even made available.

• Be consistent – your body thrives on good food, small portions, often. Give it the best you can on a consistent basis and your metabolism, and pants, will thank you.



MOTIVATION + ABILITY + TRIGGERS = BEHAVIOR – You will be motivated to the degree to which you feel comfortable, capable and competent in the activity and your ability to participate consistently. Do not wait for a catastrophic event to force you to exercise as a live or die alternative – be proactive toward exercise

• How you behave and treat exercise begins with your attitude toward it – a positive motivation, like a new wardrobe or trip, can get you started; but ultimately, you will have to garner the good it’s doing for you into your mantra of getting it done. Pick something you’re capable of accomplishing consistently, and let that be the trigger that fires you into daily action. Notice how you look, feel, think and act, and let those feelings guide you. There will be many days you resent it, but twice as many full of compliments and congratulations on what you’re accomplishing.

• Do what you can – choose sports and activities you have an ability to pursue as well as an affinity toward. See yourself doing them, read how to be better, get a trainer, learn. One client who couldn’t swim, never ran and had no bicycle, wanted to be a triathlete before her 40th birthday. Her attitude and ambition got her to finish two events within a year. Sure, it was work, but with consistent training, a few tears, trepidations and trials she never saw any part of it as being an activity she could not do. She believed, had faith and put one foot in front of the other until she reached the finish line.

• Give yourself measurable goals that add up – so you truly feel you’re accomplishing something – daily walks, weekly workouts, x amount of yard work, exercise classes, gym days, golf or tennis, swimming, sports with children, etc. A good golfer keeps score to constantly be in a state of improvement. Treat your exercise activities with the same attention and take the time to notice and reward the improvements you see.

• Be ready to try something new – Challenge yourself to new classes, workouts, activities. Your body is meant to be in motion. It is not a piece of furniture. It was made to move, it enjoys movement, it thrives and grows and meets the challenges set before it and then remembers past activities so you can build new strengths and try new activities. You lose function when you don’t use functions. The longer you stay away from it, the harder it is to get back to it and the more it goes away which keeps you in a perpetual state of restarting. It’s like swimming backwards, you’re going somewhere, but it’s not where you want to be.

• Be consistent – your body craves it – get through the first 3 or 4 hard days of initiation, and you’ll look forward to it thereafter. There is no reason your workouts cannot be play. Ideas are plentiful, assistance is available, information is abundant, facilities are on every corner. DO NOT HAVE MORE EXCUSES THAN DISCIPLINE!



• Get the “best available” sleep – How many times have you slept in a chair, comfortably, when 20 feet away there’s a bed with a $2500 mattress? Why does that happen? It happens when the body is so exhausted it will take anything as an excuse to pass out. How about when you get three hours sleep and you feel terrific, and then you get 10 hours sleep and you feel like crap? This happens because our bodies cycle through sleep in 90 minute cycles. When your body cycles through that time without disturbance or interruption, it gets rested. When it sleeps past those cycles or shorter than those cycles, it is “off.”

• Get a minimum of 6 hours of sound sleep – equal to 4 – 90 minute cycles. Each sleep cycle takes you deeper and deeper into restful sleep. If you are awakened midway through a cycle, you must start all over again, dropping through those levels to get to the deepest state. It literally is “falling asleep”; you are dropping deeper and deeper through the conscious, semi-conscious and unconscious states. If you are awakened within that last 30 minutes of the 90 minute cycle, you will remain in that groggy, half-rested state, trying the rest of the day to gain momentum with physical action when the mental will not cooperate.

• Do not agonize yourself into an anxious state – of “have to get to…” sleep. Try a gratitude approach instead, “this bed feels great…these sheets are so soft…the breeze feels so good…I’m happy for all I was able to accomplish today.” The messages you send your body and mind at the end of the day will influence the type of next day you’ll have; this is your last chance to be positive, regardless of how hard the day was.

• Begin a consistent pattern – of winding down your nights and winding up your days. Babies know how much and when to sleep. How did we forget?

• A sleep pattern is called that for a reason – It’s a pattern that your body is either in rhythm with, or out of sync with. Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, even on vacation.

• Use darkness and silence – in going to sleep and in waking each day. These are two of the easiest, yet most beneficial points you can take from this essay. Turn off all phones, pads, light sources except enough to read a book and find your way through the house. This will also improve your eyesight.

Use the www.SLEEPYTI.ME site – to reset your sleep cycle. It’s a simple .url that asks, “I have to wake up at?” or “I am going to fall asleep at?,” then gives you a 15 minute window in which your body normally takes to fall asleep. It gives you optimum waking times in 90 minute intervals; and the best part is, IT WORKS!

Utilize these healthy habits of consistent Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep for 21 days to see what a difference they make in your lives.

And last, if you have any questions that I can help with, any motivations or support you need, please email me. Tom@TomTypinski.com

Any suggestions, recipes, insights or information are also welcome and appreciated. Share the Health

Time to Make Real Wellness Changes

Now that the resolutions for the New Year have been honored or forgotten, it is truly time to make some changes. Don’t wait for the weekend, the new week, the beginning of the month, nothing else. Start now.

Change Decision Making Concept

Time To Change

There is room in every area of your lives to incorporate something to make you a better, more efficient, timely or productive person. But nothing will make a more global, noticeable, positive change in your life than to learn and practice better nutrition, right now. Learn, practice, experiment, apply – enjoy.

What you do to incorporate positive changes toward what you put into your body, as equally as what you keep out of it, will affect everyone’s life you come in contact with on a day to day basis. Family members will benefit but so too will friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. You will exude a glow and a confidence that everyone will want a piece of, and you’ll be eager to share.



Start with a daily breakfast regimen that makes you, forces you, to put instant energy into your body. Coffee is not breakfast. Toast is not breakfast. Neither are energy. You want real food that takes real thought and real time to prepare and enjoy.

Eggs on a slice of whole grain toast with avocado will instantly perk you up, fill you up and send you off with good, clean energy and focus. Skip cheeses, sauces gravies or condiments. Use olive, coconut or real butter as oil sources.

Oatmeal with walnuts, dried cherries or fresh fruit and prepared with equal parts applesauce and water will not only fill your belly, but will satisfy your sweet tooth as well. Both these meals can be shared with other family members and in sharing you’ll receive the added benefit of knowing you contributed to someone else’s well-being as equally as your own.



Your lunch can and should be your largest meal of the day. Fill it with a great, green salad and some protein source to top it, like chicken, salmon or turkey, and you’ve got the makings of a great afternoon. Stay out of the fast food lines, stay away from “diet” drinks that only make you fatter, thirstier and more insulin dependent. Learn to appreciate and request tea. Keep the salad dressings to a minimum, just enough to add flavor, always some left over instead of a “double,” and toss the croutons, crackers and breads, opting instead for an apple or unpackaged add-on. Eat it slowly, with attention to all the different flavors popping from walnuts, tomatoes, and colored cabbages and enjoy the time, rather than racing to be finished.

Now, take a walk. You have time. If the weather is uncooperative, find stairs. Walk. Do it daily.



This is the one meal most people skip most often, choosing instead to graze into the night on the crap that makes you fat. Stop now.

Plan your meals. Delegate responsibilities. Involve everyone in the family so they will appreciate the time, effort and end-product; and reap the benefits of time, talk and food well spent. Use a wide variety of fresh foods, vegetables, moderate starches and good protein sources. Stay away from fast or fried foods. Let everyone top their own foods rather than saturating salads or vegetables with dressings or condiments.


The best snacks will be the ones you have to prepare with care and a little attention; apples and peanut butter, almonds and cheese, hummus and whole grain crackers; all require minimal preparation but will be more rewarding than any packaged, processed snack. A couple pieces of dark chocolate with grapefruit slices, pieces of turkey with lettuce or spinach; avocado and tomatoes. Is your mouth watering yet? So simple, so nutritious, so beneficial to your psyche in knowing that it was a good choice.

Start making more smart choices at all your meals. Start thinking about what you’re going to eat, how you’ll prepare it, who you’ll share it with; and you’ll be on a path to many better things, from the way your skin and hair shine, to how you feel and how well you sleep. Make changes. Adapt. Learn. Grow. Give. Now.


absAB$, ABS, AB$

How many commercials have you heard already this year that relate to “6 pack abs”? car commercials, credit commercials, vacation commercials, commercials that have nothing to do with exercise or appearance, week one of January, every year, everywhere. They regard 6 pack abs as some nirvana that, when reached, will fill the emptiness you don’t see in pursuing said result; and the real multitude of work, money, sweat and sacrifice it takes to even come close.

They promise them fast, easy, effortless, “results in record time.” And every year, a new group of recruits buy the lie. They purchase the supplements, they buy the exercise videos that stay unopened, they do the exercises, once; the learn that the “one simple trick” is anything but “one”, or “simple”, or a “trick.” The only trick is the one one they just played on you.

Yes, abs are nice, great, fantastic, beautiful and sexy. Just look to your favorite social media to see all the angles of abdominals; women in their teens, 20’s, 40’s, post-baby, pre-marriage; 300 lb. men with abs, 90 lb. boys like beef jerky rather than beef cake, all showing off their abs in contorted poses against mirrored selfies, sporting that hardest won and most prized trophy of fitness – “ABS”. Nothing wrong with that.

But just where else can you show them unless you walk around in a midriff all day at the office, or work in a gym? How else can man or woman show off that greatest attraction asset that everyone wants but only few have? You look foolish enough pulling up your shirt in a mid-winter Michigan gym. Exposed in a locker room selfie the begging question so often is, “what contest will you be in?” Are you a lifeguard? A model? An actor? Or just a poseur?

Why are having abs the benchmark of any fitness regimen, and now nearly every advertising comparison? Because if you care enough about yourself to have abs, it means you’re also eating right, sleeping right, training right, and looking good. Abs take work to accomplish and involve many areas of discipline, not jut “the 6 best exercises.”


Here’s the recipe:

  1. A high protein diet
  2. intermittent fasting
  3. scheduled eating
  4. access to the best quality foods
  5. no alcohol, fast food, processed food, or pop
  6. discipline like you’ve never experienced, if you’ve never had abs
  7. consistent training from many angles
  8. a bodyfat scale
  9. a mirror
  10. a strong will
  11. honesty


This will include the first five ingredients. The best quality protein comes from grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, unbleached eggs, wild salmon, and the highest quality products you can afford. If you buy little quantities, you have no choice but to appreciate what you eat, how you prepare it, and how you parse it out over your given meals.

Intermittent fasting is simply not eating for extended periods of 12-15 hours, 2-3 times per week. Start with a 7 p.m to 7 a.m. regimen, then extend your time to after-morning workouts, and right up to lunch where you’ll have a great plate of optimal foods, green carbs, tea or water.

Scheduled eating is having food prepared for your consumption, at hand, and ready when you are, so you are not forced to substitute with fast, easy, or processed foods. The cleaner your diet, the more readily your body can metabolize it, classify it into protein, carbohydrates and fat, and distribute it where needed for energy, repair, and performance.

Alcohol, on a diet, is like putting sugar in your gas tank. The body cannot metabolize the good food until the blood chemistry is clear of the alcohol. So the whole metabolic process is slowed until the poison leaves the system, usually up to 48 hours. So even if you wake to a good meal after a night of teetotaling, the nutrition you’re giving your body is slowed down because of the foreign substance that dilutes the chemical process and makes even the best meal sub-par because alcohol is in the system. The hidden sugars, yeasts and toxins found in beer, wine and mixed drinks are very often the culprit in accumulating bodyfat in general, and bellyfat in particular.


The next two ingredients go hand in hand. As long as you are consistent in your training, working diligently with focused attention and an attitude of “do it and get out”, you will be able to sustain a high energy level throughout your workouts and look forward to the work to be done each day because you’ll have a consistent plan and a dedicated intent.

In order to get the lean look of sculpted abs, you’ll have to turn up the discipline even more. Every single bite you take that leads you away from lean, is twice the work to get back to where you were before you gave in to it. Keep that in mind, any time you fall back one step, one drink, one meal, it takes two to catch up; one for the step backward, and one more to move beyond.

Your approach must be to be try new, harder variations on the exercises and routines because your ability will mature and the things that were first hard to accomplish, will no longer even be satisfactory. So the angles will have to be varied, the reps, the combination of movements and the intensity with attention to details must be fully engaged. You cannot just go through the motions. You must make sure every movement is felt, and hitting exactly in the toughest spots that you wish to respond.


A good bodyfat scale and full length mirror are tools you should have access to. This is not something to laugh at; many people are afraid to look in the mirror or step on the scale to measure progress. Knowledge is power. If you know you weigh more, look fatter, thicker, going in the opposite direction of your intent, you know things need to change; and by the same token, if you see improvements, even on a minuscule scale, you see that you’re going in the right direction and with a little more visualization, willpower and determination, you’ll get there.  Every athlete keeps score. If your sport is fitness, measure your progress and keep score of results.


The last consideration is your mindset. Move confidently in the direction of your desires and you will get the results you want. If you falter, reassess and continue with more conviction. There is no secret, no trick, no pill or no piece of equipment that can get you there better and faster than your own brain. Use it.

Simple Structured Training 5 – SYMMETRY

    “To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life. “

           – Robert Louis Stevenson

“What Is Half Shall Become Whole

What Is Crooked Shall Become Straight.”




The Vitruvian Man is the epitome of proportion and symmetry. Its model, made famous by Leonardo Da Vinci, has been used for centuries in art and architecture.  The top to bottom, left to right, and front to back proportions are equally balanced. No one part overpowers the other. All components blend to comprise a whole that is durable and useful as well as beautiful.

Symmetry is found in nature, in science, in religion, in philosophy, in music, in art and in the human anatomy. Clothing, architecture, automobiles and landscapes each share symmetrical beauty, efficiency, durability and usefulness in balanced designs. The honeycomb is one of the strongest constructions in nature. It is symmetrically balanced and beautifully executed, while being both durable and useful in function. The most beautiful faces are the most symmetrical. We are drawn to this symmetry. Beauty pleases us. In practicing our activities we must be aware of this symmetry to enable us to create useful, durable, and beautiful bodies.

 “What Is Half Shall Become Whole,” is attained by being mechanically correct in your movements. Being correct means letting the left and right side equally pull or push through the exercise, isolating the muscle in the movement without cheating or accommodation. The body will become symmetrically balanced by letting the muscles move through a full range of motion over various planes of movement with different degrees of resistance, explosively when necessary, yet always with control; and with focus going to the side which needs it most instead of allowing the stronger side or larger muscle group to lead. By balancing the stresses throughout the body and across muscle groups, we can alleviate neck, shoulder and back pains in simply sharing the loads across our bodies and redistributing tension by stretching and opening up pathways for blood-flow and gravity to do their jobs.

Symmetry is to not carry your weight or your height too high or too low and to have your weight proportionate to your frame. It is alignment through the spine, by elongating it after a full day’s compression. An hour’s worth of free-hand exercises in a gym can have you standing straighter, no matter how much time you’ve spent on your feet. Simple stretching can bring you back into balance and is as beneficial to your mental state as it is invigorating to your physical state.

Most of our lives are spent in favor of a few positions spread over many hours throughout days and within weeks of activity. We may drive a lot. We may sit a lot. We may stand a lot. Our bodies tend to slouch into patterns when they get fatigued or even when they’re at rest. So it is important that we manipulate them into the most mechanically efficient strengths to compensate for posture and gravity.

When the body is taken care of, top to bottom, left to right, front to back, inside and out, “What is half shall become whole,” means the alignment of the system is working in tandem and not one singular area is doing more than its share of work. By reinforcing posture, balance and uniformity in our workouts, the benefits to our everyday symmetry come automatically.

“What is crooked shall become straight,” is the undoing of the overextended, forward thrust of our days, as our lifestyles dictate through driving, computing, counter jobs and the plethora of work that requires forward slouching for long periods of time. It is the lengthening of the posture and the upright structural alignment found by opening up the collarbones and shoulders, pulling down the shoulder blades, alleviating tightened lower backs and hamstrings, and initiating energy from the abdominal core. Disproportionate, slovenly, slouching, misaligned or ugly bodies turn us away, while beauty draws us in.

The body moves best in mechanical alignment. Therefore, exercising should be done, for the most part, at right angles, the way the joints hinge, rather than laterally across the tendons and ligaments. By forcing our bodies to concentrate on proper alignment when exercising – with chin up, scapulae down, abdominals, lower back and hip flexors tight during standing movements – we incorporate and take with us that alignment to our everyday lives, until eventually the correct posture at work replaces the detrimental stances that hurt us in the first place.

S. Y. M. M. E. T. R. Y.

S TRETCH – a single or series of direct movements which bring release to muscle tightness

Y OGA – a mind/ body connection that brings symmetry to the brain as well as brawn

M ECHANICS – alignment and positioning of body to apparatus or endeavor

M AINTENANCE – a vigilance to prevent misalignment and ensure readiness to performance

E QUALITY– training every part of the body rather than just the favorite parts,  equally

T ONE – firming the muscles evenly, not just working, but tensing them

R ANGE OF MOTION – the most important aspect of fully utilizing and stimulating muscle

Y AXIS – the alignment of the spine which hinges the mirror image of symmetry


By attending to all the aspects of SYMMETRYStretches, Yoga, Mechanics, Maintenance, Equality, Tone, Range-of-motion, and Y-axis imaging – you make “what is half, whole …and what is crooked, straight.” You balance not only your body, but also your lifestyle. You harmonize with the natural processes of nature, which dictate wholeness through a broad spectrum of stimuli and responses to an agile strength, built on form.

GET THE WHOLE BOOK Simple Structured Training HERE

Chapter One – The Core

      “It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what is required.”
            – Winston Churchill


“Thirty Spokes Surround The Hub:
In Their Nothingness
Consists The Carriage’s Effectiveness”



In every sport, any exercise discipline, every form of learning, there is a core of knowledge that must be known before you can move on to the next level.

Our “spokes” are the arms, legs and head attached to the torso. Our appendages are extensions of the powers we emanate from the heart, mind and body centers. It’s the spaces in between – the range of motion, movement, reach, stride, strength and grasp – that allow us to use our abilities to their highest benefit.

The “hub” is your core, your center of being.  The important organs reside here.  It is where you began and where you live or die.  The heart, the stomach and the back are primary targets for injury and disease. Strength, stability, flexibility and explosiveness emanate from here. All forms of training have their basis and foundation in this core. When the core is strong, every other direction taken is strengthened proportionately.  If one were to train just the outer spokes, the lopsided focus not only makes the center weaker, but each other subsequent direction more prone to accident or injury.

The “nothingness,” therefore, can constitute rest, contemplation, visualization, feedback, non-doing, awareness and “nothingness.” You push, you glide. This is the nothingness within the hub’s “core.” Utilize this “space” to grow mentally as well as physically.

The “effectiveness” of your training comes from working on your weaknesses, not your strengths. You want as few weaknesses as possible. You want to be balanced, fast, flexible, durable, strong and intuitive in every aspect. There will always be at least one dominant characteristic that stands out. Use that characteristic as inspiration to bring each other aspect up to par with that particular strength.

As energy emanates from the hub to the spokes, the spaces between compensate with proper responses. A well-rounded repertoire of training assures all aspects will act and react in correct proportion to the stress. The more well-trained the mind and body are, the more automatic the response. The “effectiveness” of the “carriage” is the result of efficient movement paired with automatic response emanating from a stable yet flexible base.

This Core Foundation is the initial building block that the rest of all training must be built upon. It is the stabilizing, beneath-the-surface, unseen aspect of physicality that transfers and distributes the opposing forces of gravity and inertia against the body into fluid movements which carry the body, and in return allow the body to utilize its own locomotion and force in its synchronistic dance of energy and movement.

The remaining ingredient is the spirit you bring to life to carry you toward your destination. Spirit is energy, it is attitude, it is intention, it is focus, it is discipline. It is knowing that somehow, some way, you will achieve what you’ve set out to receive. It is incorporating this foundational trine of Belief, Body and Exercises into any desire to rise above the average in competition or everyday better health.

C ONSISTENT – You must participate, practice, and apply techniques regularly over a given amount of time.

O RGANIZED – With your plan in hand, your time is organized, and more gets done in less time, with measurable feedback.

R EHEARSAL OF  – Practice until the movement becomes rote. To rehearse is to do over and over until both the mind and body respond automatically.

E XERCISES – Everything from the brain to the brawn must be conditioned. Exercise prepares the body to respond to certain stresses with force, flexibility, reaction and endurance.

                                                                    THE CORE IS:
THE HEART – This is where it all starts. If you’re healthy here, everything will follow accordingly. If this suffers, so too will you until it’s properly trained.
THE STOMACH – The stabilizing force where your body turns from side to    side, bends up and down, pushes, pulls and exerts force to the legs and arms.
THE LOWER BACK – This is the opposing stabilizer to the stomach that must deal with momentum, inertia, counter-balance and forward movement, as well as supporting the body in its upright position.
THE HIPS – Aid in turning the body, exerting force to change direction, absorbing shock, and stabilizing.
THE MUSCLES TYING THE FRONT TO THE BACK OF THE BODY – This group – the serratus, intercostals and obliques – run through the center of the body and across the shoulders, tying the chest and stomach to the back and hips, creating a serape or cloak effect. These work together in forward, backward and lateral movements.


The Core Beliefs are where your goals, plans, visualizations, discipline, faith, feedback and truth come from.  They’re an intrinsic driving force that constantly tells you and you alone what you can or cannot do.
The Core Beliefs will either help you attain your goals, or keep you from them.  If you have a lifelong wish to complete a marathon, do you believe you have the time to put in the necessary training to simply finish the race?  Do you believe you can prepare yourself in the amount of time between now and the competition?  Do you believe you are physically able to run the marathon?  Do you believe you have the knowledge or access to it, to enable you to prepare properly and safely?  Does your core belief really feel this is something you want to go through on a personal level, a competitive level, a participant level, or an idealistic level?  Do you believe you’re already capable of the race?  Do you recognize if you’re not?

The belief system must be as equally ready to perform the function as the body. Your belief must be strong enough to push through the low spots, the troubled areas, the stick-points, and the humility of admitting where help or work is needed. Your beliefs must be in order and ready to accept the tasks to fulfill the final goal.

If you believe you’ll lose weight, gain strength, consistently keep at it for X number of days and utilize as many areas of your life to achieve those goals, then you will achieve them. If you have doubts, they’ll become huge balloons that you won’t see past. They’ll follow and haunt you because you’ll see doubt instead of faith, you’ll follow the easier route toward weakness than the challenging road toward strength. Core Beliefs keep you on the Success Path, despite the visibility.

At your Belief Core, you must find some positive light to consistently look toward every day, in the direction of health and fitness. There is no other way. Half-hearted convictions produce half-hearted achievements.

People tend to disagree with this intensity of effort being necessary at every workout, every day. But by being present in every moment, in relaxed attention, the automatic response takes precedence and spontaneity reigns by allowing the body to be comfortable at work, at play, at exercise and at relaxation.

If you train the mind to believe in exercise, to believe in yourself, to believe in the goodness of being attentive in activity and nutrition, the physical will follow, and will lead the body toward better health. You must shape your mind in order to shape your body.  Get your thinking in alignment with your beliefs and goals.

To fully invest in a training program, the change must first come in attitude toward exercise.  Once your mind begins to believe that exercise is essential, not a task or a curse, but a privilege, then you move into a positive training mode.

As your thoughts take shape, the pace in which you can attain goals accelerates.  Do you choose to not set any and go down the lazy river of exercise through the motions of redundant boredom without getting anywhere? Or do you choose to work toward them in focused effort, with “hard work, one hour, each day,” until the goals are met?

The belief system you build toward physical fitness will guide you through each workout.  You will either exercise this day at this time – or you won’t. When you decide that exercise is just as essential for life as food and sleep, your beliefs have a starting point.  Do something physically active every single day for 11 days. Consciously think of what you’re doing and how you’re achieving this first goal. But BELIEVE you will follow through for 11 days and then DO IT! Exercise your belief system to rise up to excellence.  Exercise your mind with visualization, mental rehearsal, positive input and feedback.


The Body Core are the parts and the abilities given you at birth and developed through years of various sports and activities, or inactivity. What is your body’s condition?  Where would you like it to be?  Elite athletes can look in the mirror every day and see areas for improvement with complete humility.  Why then, can’t a man with many numbered weaknesses see something he’d like to move toward in a positive light on a daily basis until it’s accomplished?

The Body Core is primarily the heart, the abdominals, the middle and lower back, hip flexors, gluteus and upper legs, front and back. It is your power source, your energy source, your center of gravity, your stabilizing and acceleration system and the storehouse for vital organs. People strong in the core have good posture, few injuries in the lower back and hamstrings, better digestion and greater capability to generate force to the arms and legs.

The very absolute center and most essential aspect of the Body Core is the heart. If you train it both literally and figuratively, you will achieve or gain any goal you set out toward. The stronger you train aerobically, to pump more blood into and from the heart in its most efficient method of transport, the better off your whole system will become.

From the heart, the stomach and organs support, stabilize and respirate the body. The legs, hips and gluteus engage the lower body to propel it into motion in any direction. The arms help to accelerate this directional energy and are enlisted in catching, carrying, reaching, holding, strength, speed and stride. They are powered by the core to deliver explosive energy in many combinations of movement.

By starting with the heart, the core responds with energy emanated from the hub to the extremities, delivering the necessary force, strength and balance to accomplish the activity put before it. The more this Consistent Organized Rehearsal of Exercises is practiced, the sharper and more natural the response. You mentally create what you would like to do with the physical body you have. Is it to run faster, run longer, play sports, build strength, alleviate pain, or change the shape, symmetry and composition of your body? What can you begin to think of as an initial compass point to give you a radius of training?

What does the sport you participate in require? Does it require bulk, speed, flexibility, fast hands, or fast feet? What combinations of attributes will help you not just to participate, but to compete at a higher level of play? As you make this mental assessment, you begin to formulate physical goals.

If it is better health in general that you seek, how strongly do you feel about improving your health wholeheartedly?  Do you plan to do just some things and not others, thereby getting just some results and not all?  Or will you do all you can to feel better? Believe, simply, that you can do some sort of exercise each day, that you’ll implement better nutritional choices daily, and that you will do it for the rest of your life. You will feel the results in clarity, energy, attitude and sleep. You’ll be eager to share these new feelings with others and want to learn more to expand the feelings of goodness and health.

Training the Body Core strengthens the extremities as well as the core; training only the extremities weakens the core and adds insult to injury by way of disproportionate development, overtraining and weak links. If all you do is train the body center, the rest of the body will be strong enough to carry you through. When you incorporate exercises that train the Body Core and Core Beliefs, you synchronistically join all aspects of your being into the task at hand.


The Core Exercises are the third aspect of the total core. They are the basis of what you must do as the minimum requirements to compete in your sport. You can learn, apply, and try various methods and movements, but if you concentrate on compound movements which work across multiple joints and muscle groups, you’ll be stronger on many planes.  The more universally you apply this simple method over the whole body, the better and sooner will be the results, all over your body. The input is equal to the output.

The exercises work best when they follow a specific pattern of training, over an optimum number of weeks, until results taper off.  A strictly structured plan without deviation is unproductive and boring.  Variety within guidelines keeps you in tune with your body’s growing ability to do more, more efficiently, faster, and with less pain.

Our training toolbox is enhanced by familiarity and use.  The more we draw from practiced methods on a regular basis, the more apt we are to have each at our disposal, and the discretion to know when to use each one. From the basic fundamentals come the aspects of practice which lead to mastery. No one goes straight to mastery. Therefore, the body must first find its anchor in the core and grow outwardly from there. We each have the same tools to participate in sport and in life. It’s what we choose to do with the time and space between that makes the short man the professional basketball player or the one-legged woman an Olympic skier.

From the core group of exercises are the stems into individualized sports.  Golfers think the sport alone is enough for exercise.  If it means they golf or do nothing, then of course, golf is enough. But not really, they will not improve their game until they do more in preparation for it.  Just think if Olympic skiers only ran the course, time after time.  The ones who go over and above with their training preparations are always the ones who win.  Always. They invent their own ways of getting the highest performance out of their bodies, and time after time, they get it.  Going that extra mile means believing something more than your opponents and peers.

Often, the young athlete trains with intensity and passion on the wrong areas, the “show Muscles.”  They train the arms and chest and sometimes abdominals for the sake of aesthetics, without considering how these muscles work in relation to their sports.  There are some who train arms and chest for years on end whose net results are too often torn shoulders and bad backs. The adage, “You’re only as strong as your weakest link,” is especially true in strength training. Constant favoring of muscle groups and exercises leads to great imbalances and eventually, injury.

After this Core discipline is learned, there will be other things to focus on and to master, and your life will continue on an upward arc rather than a downward spiral. Resolve that it should never be “done.” If you learn all the basics of core training, making good movements and good techniques become your habits, you will be able to design a program for any sport you choose.

The exercises are comprised of basic standing and mat exercises that can be completed anywhere, and a series of stretches that should be done in order to awaken the muscles to exercise.

These core movements should be done daily, before or after a workout, and even without a workout, just done alone. The stretches and the exercises are a very good opportunity to tune in to your limitations. Don’t skip any part of them but instead keep trying to perform them better, with greater stability and focus.

Three (Wellness-Spoken) Women

Here are three distinctive women who have helped me in the past year to improve my overall understanding of diet and nutrition for myself, my family and my clients, on a day-to-day level.



The first one is a podcast called, “On Air With Ella”; http://onairwithella.com/category/podcast/  whose supporting website is a wealth of health, fitness, nutrition information, recipes and support on the whole spectrum of wellness.

Ella brings noted guests and experts on a wide range of topics to discuss mental health, fitness, relationships and tips to improve your family’s health. Her show is definitely for the audience, with support materials and liner notes to tell you exactly where to go to find more on the things she discusses.

She asks intelligent questions, then gets out-of-the-way to let the guest impart on the knowledge of the chosen topic.  Her website, onairwithella.com  is well-balanced, with a mix of products, routines, recipes and in-depth, down to earth conversations. Ella strikes the best balance with solid questions, lists of products and information avenues to pursue and peruse on your quest for wellness.




Dr. Sara Solomon

Ella is the reason I’d found the second great site of Dr. Sara Solomon. She walks the talk on http://www.drsarasolomon.com. Dr. Solomon is a past IFBB Bikini pro and a bodybuilding.com sponsored athlete who brings fire and energy in an entertaining, yet clear-cut way to the average person aspiring to be above average.

Ella’s interview with Dr.Solomon on intermittent fasting http://onairwithella.com/025-dr-sara-solomon-intermittent-fasting/ was the best explanation for one the smartest ways to lose weight and keep it off. The method was pioneered by Paul Bragg in his book The Miracle of Fasting  on the benefits of fasting for spiritual and physical rejuvenation. I began the intermittent fasting program in February, fasting 2 to 3 nights per week, and lost over 22 pounds to date, by July1. My son convinced me to try it and since then, I have continuously lost weight effortlessly.

Dr. Solomon is very much into her own methods and programs and advertises them blatantly. Dr. Solomon hits with a barrage of products from her host sponsor, but is clearly comfortable in showing her results with lively video courses, books, and a host of supplements and products. Her energy and humor are contagious and by seeing her execute the methods she proposes, invites you to try them for yourself, daily, weekly, monthly. She teaches by leading the way with short, simple home-based routines and regimens.

VANIThe Food Babe – Vani Hari

The third life-changing savior in this trinity of fitness, wellness and food is Vani Hari and her site thefoodbabeway.com. Vani is globally focused toward the education of the public on her ongoing battles with food labeling; while uncovering big company cover ups in the food industries. Vani Hari is outward focused, very informative, and deeply analytical of what the food industry gets away with by means of the poisons our foods include. She tells it like it is and makes you seriously reconsider every single food choice you make.

She also has many simple recipes for foods the whole family will enjoy, from smoothies to pastries, to main dishes; with an emphasis on organic, non-gmo choices. I learn from this site every time I go to it for information. If you have a question about any of your food choices, answers are found here to not only save you time and money, but your overall health as well.

What’s so special about them?

So why do these three mean so much to me?

I admire their honesty in uncovering the unhealthy aspects of the models, companies, practices and products we try to emulate in fitness magazines and videos; from the joke of competitive beauty sports, to the contradictory health practices of said competitions and the hidden dangers of a bodybuilding lifestyle that everyone else seems to be so afraid to talk about.

I learned more from these three women about cultivating healthy attitudes and lifestyle over the past 6 months than I had from the countless years of false supplement claims and contradictory, “unhealthy” health practices by the proposed giants in the health fields;  those who continue to sell magazines and supplements while continuing to endanger the public for the sake of profits. The only healthy thing about the fitness industry is its revenue.

Ella, Sara and Vani are women with real issues that are the concern of every person, young and old, male and female, in regard to healthy living. Their concerns are with helping people to understand that looking and feeling good takes common sense, priorities, planning and thought; not thousands of dollars or hours. They understand what it takes to obtain and keep a respectable physique that pleases you first, not the critics, judges or food manufacturers. They know that it is done through diligence and consistency, not any magic formula. Food should be grown, not manufactured, eaten and enjoyed, not “consumed for fuel.” These women have helped to filter through the bad information and done it as women so often do, with a loud voice and a firm following.

The Proof Is In The Person

Look at any of their sites and you will see that they are not “in-season, off-season”; they look good all the time and don’t bounce from plump to perfect on a yearly basis. You can see that the things they advocate are things they use themselves, and share what is dangerous and why it is, as well. They are passionate about what they’re doing and that passion comes through as a gift to the reader/listener in a sincere manner. They love sharing the information and are generous in their resources. When they are wrong, doubtful or questioning, they’ll let you know that as well.

drannand, Dr. Ann

As a final suggestion, Dr. Ann,  http://www.drannwellness.com is a newsletter worth joining. She is also a doctor, mother, health advocate and down to earth informant for what we should be putting into our bodies and what we should keep out. Her weekly tips are family based and she encourages the “normal” things we like, from fruits and vegetables to chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate… Her site is well-organized and she offers many services and products. She has a full line of books, seminars, videos and guides to get you started or to continue your gathering of information on health and wellness.

Never Stop Learning

I have dedicated my life to fitness, health and wellness;  and I’m still learning something new every day, from podcasts, newsletters, websites, books and tapes (yes, they still exist, as do CD’s) and with as much time and effort as I’ve poured into learning new approaches, there are still questions, strategies and techniques I learn from. Check back here often, subscribe, add resources and look for new ideas for improving the health of yourselves and your families. SHARE THE HEALTH.

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