Simple Structured Training 7- SPECIFICS

“One weakness can cripple you, whereas one strength won’t save you.” Tom Typinski

“Whosoever Has Little Shall Receive:

Whosoever Has Much, From Him Shall Be Taken Away”




“Whosoever has little” describes the new athlete, recreational exerciser, fitness enthusiast, or weekend athlete, who receives by seeking information and shortcuts to their goals. The more you can narrow down exactly what you want, the sooner and more directly you can move toward it. You move toward it with Specifics.

To bring out an exact detail of a physique, you learn and apply the exercises that target that area, specifically, with priority attention and energy. To focus on an exact aspect of triathlon training, in one event over the other, you would focus on biking, swimming or running faster or more efficiently. And to get to those requirements, you would apply Specifics.

In the “whosoever has much…” aspect, does it mean those strengths you’d worked so hard to build will be “taken away?” Not at all. It means to have much strength and specific training, from him shall it be shared across the individual’s spectrum of training. The mind and body will borrow what’s necessary when called upon and if it is there in reserve, it can be “taken away.”

The person with the greatest resources to draw from is the one to go to when gaining knowledge toward what you may be presently lacking. “From him it shall be taken away…” and by giving, he too will gain; he will see the effects his training has on another person’s body and the knowledge and resources of both will be increased by this giving away. You cannot have success without failure first. You must have trial to have error. And Specific knowledge is most valuable when put to the test across its widest spectrum.

“Specifics” detail the necessary changes and inclusions, from determining exercise order to food intake, from the cycles of training to crosstraining preferences. Knowing the specifics of your sport will help determine the best training to design to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.


Your Intentions must be true to what your body is capable of achieving. Your actions must also mirror your intentions.You cannot lose 50 pounds by eating junk foods.Variation is the key to getting the most from your body without creating imbalances or overtraining. By opening your spectrum of training, you open the body to new realms of possibilities. With variation comes invention and resourcefulness.

Replication allows the body to act and react without thinking, and therefore without doubt. A well-rehearsed repertoire of physical movements is no less spectacular than a classically trained virtuoso. Replication of specific movements create neuropathways of familiar territory for muscles, nerves and adrenaline to be primed and ready over a given course of actions.

The three sides of the trine must be balanced. Your intention must be present with each variation of an exercise and with each replication of movement. Again, it is wrong to favor one type of training over another. You can enjoy one more, but not to the point of neglecting the other forms.

If your Intention is to excel, and you practice with Variations of movements in optimal Replicated patterns of rehearsal, your results will equal your Specific intentions.


S EASON  – These three month segments can be adjusted to any particular sport, so your body will be prepared for the regularity and discipline this system offers.

P ACE – The rate at which you train should be specific to your sport. Long gone are the days of football players running two-mile runs instead of sprints.

E NDGOAL– By beginning with the end in mind, you clarify all the aspects of what it will take to ultimately reach your appointed destination.

C OMMITMENT – This must be evident every day, through every type of training. You must be ready to execute your plan to claim your results.

I NTENSITY – You cannot go through the motions of a workout and expect to achieve any noticeable gains. All efforts must be focused and driven by intensity.

F IELD – Where do you play, how far do you run, what do you carry and what do you push? Hard ground, soft turf, track or concrete? Train accordingly.

I MAGINATION – Even before you can do it, what would you like to do? What do you see yourself doing? What, ultimately, would you like to accomplish? Imagine.

C IRCUITS – Training more than one bodypart, or one from multiple angles at one time pushes the mental and physical aspects to extremes that can’t be reached by singular exercises alone.

S PORT – The second most important aspect of how and what type of training you’ll undertake. Narrow your necessities and emulate as many aspects as possible.

GET THE WHOLE BOOK Simple Structured Training HERE

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